Monday 8 December 2014

Law of Attraction, Relationships, and Your Own View About ‘The Secret’

So, lets imagine this scenario, you’re spending your day alone in a place where nobody knows you. You don’t want to stay at home because you’re not on good terms with your sister. You don’t feel like hanging out with your usual buddies, as you just had an argument with one of them. Lastly, you’re not in speaking terms with your boyfriend for over a week now; hence you don’t want to go out with him. What’s wrong with those people? Or, perhaps the question should be what’s wrong with you? Why do you seem to be a magnet for conflicts? Well, have you thought that all these happenings may be due to the Law of Attraction? Relationships, money, success, and a lot more aspects of your life are encompassed by this thought. Now, if you seem to attract conflicts with all the people around you, could it be that the problem is more related to you? If you are the type of person who constantly thinks negatively, try to notice the unpleasant things that keep on happening to you. Oh by the way, do you believe in the Law of Attraction? 

Law of Attraction and Relationships 

The Law of Attraction or The Secret as it is often referred to as, states that you can draw good and bad things into your life depending on your way of thinking. If you always keep a positive mindset, expect that great things will happen to you. But if you entertain negative thoughts all the time, unfavourable happenings will keep on coming into your life, until you make an effort to change this.

You can practice the teaching from the bestselling book "The Secret" if you want to turn your dreams into reality. Just focus on good things, and believe that they will happen. You should also avoid entertaining all the negative emotions that you might feel. To have enough knowledge on the proper application of this principle, you may use some self-help tools. Have you heard of “TheSecret” (movie)? It is very popular among Law of Attraction enthusiasts. It is produced by Rhonda Byrne, who also wrote a book of the same title as mentioned earlier. Another great book on the subject matter is “The Vortex” (Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks). In fact, there are lots of learning materials on the Law of Attraction.

You can also use the principles from The Secret to form good relationships with various people in your life. How do you do it? Well, first off, try your best to do what is stated above. Think of positive things as often as you possibly can and never doubt that they will happen. Suppose you want to have a harmonious relationship with your sister, focus on it and release all the negative feelings from your system. In addition to this, make some positive affirmations. You can say “I believe that a good attitude can improve my relationship with my sister.” Apart from thinking about good things, making positive assertions can also help you to attract into your life everything that you want. Lastly, put your thoughts and words into action. In whatever you do, make sure you’re motivated by your desire to have a happy relationship with your sister. However, bear in mind that you’re not practicing the Law of Attraction to change your sister’s behaviour. What you’re going to attract is the happiness that you would like to feel in the relationship between you and your sister. For sure, she will appreciate all your positive actions and from there, you can gradually reach your goal.

Now, back to this question: Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? Relationships, money, success etc. – do you believe that if you apply the teachings from The Secret this can affect these aspects of your life? It’s fantastic if you do. If you don’t, or your not quite ready for this just now, you still never go wrong with more of a positive mindset. Hence, it’s always a great idea to just focus on the good things that life has to offer and see what changes just that small step can bring into your life. 

If you would like to like to learn more about practicing the Law of Attraction in order to build your relationships and find more love in your life, check out this Article. 

To find out the Secret behind the Secret to the Law of Attraction, check out this Website:

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